The Birthday Card

Doreen Wilkinson, a woman in her mid-thirties and single mother to a seventeen-year-old daughter, (going on thirty), can never imagine life will be anything other than the daily slog of trying to keep body and soul together.

Running late for work, she hurries out of her flat and sees a balloon bobbing on a thin ribbon tied to her neighbour’s door handle. Realising it must be the old boy’s birthday she decides to get him a birthday card at the same time as she picks up a packet of cigarettes from the corner shop.

Whilst the cigarettes will go up in smoke, the purchase of the birthday card will change her life forever.

The Birthday Card is a feel good, light-hearted read that will have you laughing out loud.

“Very touching look into the life of Doreen Wilkinson, and how she handled the surprise of her life. Fun and funny, Doreen is an endearing character with a big heart that will have you cheering for her. An excellent prequel to Sometimes it Happens. Delightful!” Julie Dexter

“Ms Barclay has an ability to take a reader from sorrow to mirth in an instant."

Available on Kindle (paperback due out later this year) from ALL Amazon sites.

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