Thursday, 12 August 2010

Not as easy as it Seems!

Having spent the last twelve months working, most days, on my web site, I decided to have a go at having a Blog page. My thinking was that my web site and Blog page would work well together as I know some people prefer to look at my web whilst others like to have a peek at Blog pages. Just a few days into having a Blog and I am daunted. The ease of designing and updating my web is like a stroll in the park compared to trying to do anything here. And because I am completely at a loss on how to add the covers of my books to the side panel, I have decided to include them in this Blog page. And for those who have not yet stumbled upon my books, I will add a few words about each one too. But, if you are an aficionado on Blog pages and have time to pass on some tips, I would be eternally grateful! In the meantime, I hope you will find my first two novels. Magnolia House and Satchfield interstingly enough to investigate more!

Chat again soon!

 Magnolia House

When Jane Leonard gave half of her house to her only son, little did she realise that within twelve months, she would be forced to sell the home she had lived in for nearly five decades.

The choice for this action was not hers, but the events that led up to her handing over fifty percent of Magnolia House paled by comparison to what happened after the ink had dried on the documents that named the new owners.

As Magnolia House is put on the market for sale, love and betrayal, hopes and dreams and ultimately family loyalty will affect the lives of all of those who become involved.


Satchfield Hall

When the news reached Henry Bryant-Smythe about his daughter’s indiscretion,  he not only dealt with it, but stamped on it with such a resounding thud, that the consequences ricocheted through the years and well into the future. Henry Bryant-Smythe cared nothing for the consequences of his actions and even less for the feelings of those involved, with the exception of his own, and these he cosseted.

Celia Bryant-Smythe’s disgrace set in motion events that would affect the lives of many people, taking decades to unravel. Lives would be lost and destroyed and it would take until the death of the one man who had callously started it all, Henry Bryant-Smythe, until it was finally over.

Satchfield Hall is not about gentleness, tranquillity and privilege; it is about power, love, lies and in the end revenge.

You can read the prologue and chapters 1 and 2 directly from my web site.


Angelina Rain said...

Hello Pauline,

Congratulations on setting up your blog. Soon enough you will be having lots of fun on it. And here’s how you put covers of your books in the side panel:

1. Log into your blog.

2. Click on Design.

3. You will see a page that looks like a layout of your blog. Click on Add a Gadget and scroll through that until you find what you want to add.

4. When you’re done, just drag and drop it wherever you want it to be.

Hope it helps and the best of luck on your blog.

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Lia
Thank for your wonderful help. I will have a go and see what happens. Thanks for following me. I will try and follow you...still very much learning, thanks for your patience and talk again soon.

Have a fab day!
Pauline x

Rosalind Adam said...

Looks as though you've managed to get the side panel sorted. Have fun with your blog. I love mine. In fact I keep forgetting I've got a website. You don't get the same sort of feedback from a website and what I find is that a blog develops with your thoughts.

Pauline Barclay said...

Hi Rosalind Thanks for joining my blog and leaving a comment. Yes I managed to get my book covers on to the side panel, more luck than judgement. I promise to join your blog too as have enjoyed reading your stories.

Hope everything is going well and that Mr A is improving.

Thanks again for stopping by.