Before Bond, meet Regan...Nathan Regan
The new Bond film, Skyfall launches tomorrow - but why wait until then for a military intelligence hottie? Let me introduce you to the lead male in Mandy Baggot’s new romantic thriller, Security and reveal the eye-catching 007-style book cover!
Lies hurt, but the truth can get you killed
Autumn Raine is a pop vocalist at the very top of her game. She’s a style icon, the paparazzi’s darling and everyone wants to be her friend. But when her safety is threatened, her whole life starts to unravel.
Enter Nathan Regan, an ex-elite soldier who is assigned to protect her. He’s a good man doing bad things but what drives him? Passion? Madness? Or grief? Demons from his past are threatening to consume him. Can he win the fight alone or will he have to admit he needs help?
As the threat deepens, Autumn starts to find out who she really needs in her life. Is there still room for personal assistant Janey or rapper boyfriend Rockweiler? When everyone around her is feeding her lies, how does she work out the truth? Does her record producer know more than he’s letting on? What is her mother, the British Foreign Secretary’s involvement in the situation? And can Autumn put her faith in a forty-something Jamaican woman who handles an automatic weapon as expertly as she cooks?
Eluding kidnap and trying to stay alive, can Autumn find the strength to be the person she longs to be? And can two people, poles apart, forge something strong enough to survive anything?
Security is coming from Sapphire Star Publishing on 4 April 2013! If you can’t wait until then to find out more here is the link to the teasing trailer!
Find out more about Mandy’s books at or check out her author page with Sapphire Star Publishing
Collect the Bond film titles and WIN a signed paperback copy of Strings Attached!
FIVE paperback copies of Mandy's novel Strings Attached are up for grabs! All you have to do is collect the Bond films. On each of the websites featuring the Security cover reveal there will be Bond film mentioned (NOT Skyfall). Once you have all the titles, drop Mandy an email and you will go into the draw for one of the books! Easy! Here are the website links you need!
Oh yes! Competition end 1st November!
Mandy Baggot
Kim Nash
Stephanie Keyes
Melanie Robertson-King
Nicky Wells
Sharon Goodwin (Jera's Jamboree)
Rachel Lyndhurst
Carol (Dizzy C's Little Book Blog)
Sheryl Browne
Bonnie Trachtenberg
Richard Holmes
Kate (Me, My Books and I)
Sue Fortin (Love Reading, Love Books)
Lindsay Gentles (TTP Book Reviews)
Eve Chong (Eve's Chicklit Reviews)
Pauline Barclay (Moi) - The Living Daylights
A L Jackson
Louise Graham
I'm here! Pass the champagne! It feels like a book launch doesn't it? Well the more excitement you can get in your life the better I say! Thanks for hosting Nathan and I, Pauline! I see you're dressed fittingly as Kara Milovy! Pass some nibbles - this revealing all has given me an appetite!
Mandy x
Her you are Miss Security 007+ cheers! And here are the nibbles, smoked salmon of course :) Have a fab day!x
Gorgeous site, Pauline! And loads more gorgeousness with Nathan and his Security cover. * Fans self*. Things are getting hotter than Lanzarote in August! :0)
Hello Racheal,thank you! And phew you are right, it's a tad steamy here, I'll open another bottle of bubbly to cool us all down... pop!
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