Tuesday, 11 June 2013

An Up and Down Week and It's Only Tuesday!

It as been a very up and down week as I've battled with the customs on the island who have decided to charge large fees for books or small parcels being delivered. Amazon were to deliver to me two books today, UPS rang to tell me there was a charge of over 27 euros for me to pay on customs. I refused and the books are to be sent back to Amazon. I now must battle with Amazon on how to sort this as we are in the EU, so there is no need for custom charges.

I know I can do nothing about this new rule, but it does mean we can no longer buy anything to be delivered to the island or have presents sent to us for birthday or Christmas!

Trying not to dwell on all of this I logged into Twitter to see what everyone else was doing and to my surprise I saw the following....

Books With Wine And Chocolate. Review of Storm Clouds Gathering by @paulinembarclay bookswithwineandchocolate.blogspot.com/?spref=tw #books

Reading this wonderful review, not only had me covered in goose pimples, but reminded me that there are people in our world that see good in things we do.

A HUGE thank you to Anne Mackle and her wonderful blog site.


Anne Mackle said...

It makes you wonder why on earth customs want pavement for books,is it because they are vat free in uk? At least I think they are. I'm so glad you like my review,I never like to give too much of the story away,just enough to explain why I enjoyed it. Thanks for linking to my blog.

Suzy Turner said...

This kind of thing really gets my back up. I hope Portugal doesn't follow suit, Pauline!
YAY on the review though... it's always nice to have something great happen after something horrible!

Rosemary Gemmell said...

How awful to charge for parcels - hope it gets sorted out, Pauline! But well done on that lovely review - glad it came at the right moment.

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Anne, once again a HUGE thanks for the fabulous review. It more than made my day. xx

Pauline Barclay said...

Hi Suzy, the recession has made everyone very greedy and those in power hold the axe! xx

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Rosemary, thanks as always for stopping by and yes, I hope it will but I am not holding my breath. xx