Monday, 12 August 2013

Making a Noise a British Red Telephone Box!

When I wrote Storm Clouds Gathering, set in the mid sixties, where it was normal to go down the street to a phone box to make a telephone call, I had not imagined I'd see one of those famous British telephone boxes here on the island!

Situated outside one of Lanzarote’s Estate Agents is one red telephone box. Surprised I stopped by and asked one of the owners, Gilbert Sharrard why? 

‘Clients who phone will often ask where are you? So now I tell them our address and point out that we are right in front of the red telephone box. It is proving not only useful as a focal point, but we had one couple pop in and ask for change so they could make a call! It’s not connected. In fact inside is a palm tree and parrot!’

Possible Gilbert they needed to make a trunk call!.... sorry, but big thanks for sharing your fabby phone box.

Hopefully there are no storm clouds gathering here, just blue sky and hot sunshine, but you never know what is around the corner even if it is a red British telephone box!

Links for Gilbert

Tele: 0034 636 366 609
Email: gilbert@gilbertsharrard


Rosemary Ann Smith said...

Hi Pauline, love this tale of the red telephone box! Sadly, these are disappearing in the UK, and we very rarely see one now. Quite sad, as they were a real landmark, and I always loved the colour, so noticeable.
In fact, now you've located this one in Lanzarote, you will see one on more occasions than we will over here!

Rosemary ...

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Rosemary, it is sad they are disappearing, but what a lovely site to see one here. Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a fabby day xx

Suzy Turner said...

That's so cool! I always love to see the red telephone boxes... so very English :D xx

liz young said...

Hi Pauline - followed your link from Rosalind's blog and found a fellow Canarian! You've got blue skies? No calima? Love the telephone box - it does help to have a focal point in a country where the street names are several metres long!

Pauline Barclay said...

Suzy, it sure is. :) xx

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello lizy-expat-writer, thank you so much for popping along. I see you are in Tenerife, just a short flight away. We love Lanzarote and I hope you love your little island too. x