Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sitting Round my Pool, Suzy Turner


Today I have the fabby Suzy Turner sitting round my pool, sipping bubbly and talking about her amazing new book, Forever Fredless. Let me pour you another glass and then we can chat!
Oh lovely!

  Q: What made you change from writing YA fantasy to YA romance?

  Chick Lit is my first love! I've read it since I was about 11 and it was actually the first genre I wrote in - my very first book was called Molly and I wrote it in my mid-20s. Although I got some positive feedback from literary agents, I didn't get any takers so I put it away. I've been working on Forever Fredless for years... I actually started it before I wrote all my YA books!

  Q: What is special about Forever Fredless to you?

   The fact that it was inspired by a very special holiday in the Azores.

  Q: The cover is fabulous, did you have input for its design?

  Thank you! Yes, I told my designer (Ravven) roughly what I wanted and she produced a number of options. This was the one I fell in love with, partly because it didn't have anyone's face on it. All my other covers have people's faces on for some reason!

   Q: Are we going to see more Forever Fredless style books from you?

  Absolutely! This was so much fun to write - I can't wait to get stuck into another one! But I need to finish my next YA Morgan Sisters novel first :)

  A few quick questions about you….

Your favourite song?

I have tonnes but currently I'd say Lana Del Rey's Born To Die.

Your favourite car, you don’t have to own this but you would like to?

I've always wanted a 4x4 so I'd go with the Range Rover Evoque... it's so cool! Especially in white.

Are you a lark or an owl – earlier riser or late to bed?

More of a lark (ish). I hate getting to bed too late.
Your favourite pair of shoes?

Oooh I'm shoe obsessed! I have so many but I do LOVE my tan leather knee high Timberlands.

Jeans or dress?

As well as being shoe obsessed, I'm also MAD about jeans. I drive my husband crazy lol

Suzy thank you so much for taking time out to join me, now let’s open another bottle….!

Thank you so much, Pauline. This was great fun! 

Suzy Turner
Chicklit & YA Author
Blogger at

1 comment:

Suzy Turner said...

It's such a pleasure to be here with you today, Pauline! Thanks for the bubbly hiccup... another glass? lol