Monday, 28 October 2013

The Long & Short of It....!

The above picture is of Lowestoft seafront. Lowestoft is the most easterly town in the UK. We were there last month visiting family and friends and since our return home our feet have not touched the ground. We installed a new kitchen, but before the nice part could happen, the floor had to be dug up and a new sewer pipe installed. Following this, the walls had to be chased out along with what was left of the floor for new electrics. Plumbing came next, then new floor tiles, new plastered walls and  and then it was time for the kitchen! Today, we are left with a few tidying jobs, but it all looks fabulous and amazing.

In between everything, I have written a short story for Christmas which will be published on Kindle in time for the festive season, titled, Next Christmas will be Different. My editor, Jo Field sent back her comments over the weekend and said this about my short story…  it is filled with atmosphere, and like all your stories has a thread of pathos running through it, which is thought-provoking as well as entertaining.” 

The cover is being designed by Cathy Helms from Avalon Graphics and as soon as I can, I will reveal this to you.

Publication date is set for 6th December and to help promote Next Christmas will be Different, I have been invited to a few fabby Blogs. I will list names and dates as soon as the cover is ready. Exciting and busy times.

This is all my news for now. For those of you in the UK, I hope that the storm that is whistling its way across the British Isles leaves you safe and damage free. Take care!

Thanks as always for taking time to visit and I look forward to seeing you again very soon.


Suzy Turner said...

Lowestoft looks fabulous, Pauline! You know me... I love England :D
You've certainly been busy lately and I can't wait to read more about your Christmas story! xx

Rosalind Adam said...

You do work hard on that house of yours. I remember when you had all that plumbing problem before. Congrats on the short story... and next time you come over here maybe we could meet up for a lunch!

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Suzy, you are sooo good at stopping by and Lowestoft is fine if a tad chilly with it's nippy breeze! As for the short story, more very soon :) x

Pauline Barclay said...

Hi Ros, will most certainly do as it would fantastic to meet you. Thanks for stopping by and hope all is great with you. x

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Lovely photo, Pauline. Look forward to seeing the cover of your story!