Friday 18 March 2016

Behind the Scenes...

When I was writing In the Cold Light of Day it was important for my story line to understand if someone you loved had an addiction and if so would you know about it? I was convinced you would know. How wrong I was.

During one of my weekly book promotions, I met a lady who told me how she lost her home and everything they owned. She went on to tell that she was happily married with two children, a stay at home mum whose husband worked every hour God sent and made sure they wanted for little. It was a happy life until a knock on the door early one morning. That knock was to change their lives forever.

The callers where there to repossess the house and take anything that was of value.  Whilst she'd believed her husband was working hard, he was in fact out gambling. When I told her about In the Cold Light of Day, she smiled, it was a knowing smile. "You think you know someone, but there are times when they are like a stranger," she added.

I was deeply grateful to this lady who helped so much with my question. Researching about what goes on in real life helps to bring my characters to life so they are as real as you and me. Set in 1967 in London, In the Cold Light of Day is pure fiction, based on real life!

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope the sun is shinning in your face and in your heart.
Until next time.


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