Wednesday, 14 September 2011

If I Could be Anyone I'd Be....

Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With The Wind.... a book I truly love! Why Scarlett, because I love her sassyness, her independence and at the same time her passion for Rhett Butler. Those were dark days, but they were also elegant and privileged days for someone of Scarlett O'Hara's standing.

No doubt you are wondering why I'm twittering on about who I would like to be for the day, well it is all part of Talli Roland's release party for her latest book, Watching Willow Watts.
So, if you could be anyone for the day, who would it be? Do tell!

Congratulations to Talli, fabby person and fabby writer....sell zillions!


Janice said...

Oh yes - a fabtastic choice, Pauline - I can just *see* you as Scarlett!

Rosalind Adam said...

Gosh, I can 'see' you as Scarlett too! I don't think I'd know who to choose. I think that maybe I'm better off just being me so the exercise has provided me with a positive outcome.

Unknown said...

I'm probably on my own here but I never liked Scarlett. I always want to slap her for being so blind. :)

Isn't Talli's party brilliant? I'm loving it!

Pauline Barclay said...

hello Janice, I thought so... laugh!

Hi Ros, being just you is perfect! x

Hello Shirley, now now nothing like being blinded by a handsome man...every now and then...laugh!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Great choice and a fun character to be, I should think.

Talli Roland said...

Aw, thank you!

I can totally see you as Scarlett, Pauline. Fantastic choice. Thank you so much for taking part! xx

Suzy Turner said...

Ooh that's a tough one, Pauline & Talli!
Anyone? Anyone at all?
Hm...George Clooney's girlfriend???
Good luck with your book, Talli. It sounds awesome!
Suzy Turner, author of The Raven Saga