"Hi Pauline, it’s a pleasure to join you on your fabulous terrace in the sunshine. Pass the champers sweetie! *clink*
Thanks so much for inviting me to join you and tell you a little bit about me and why I blog about books. Here goes :
I have always been an avid reader. As a child I remember my Mom telling me not to stay up too late reading, but I would sit up till all hours dying to get to the end! She didn't mind really, she was exactly the same when she was young - obviously where I got it from.
I love a book which makes me think about it, when I’m not reading it. I lose myself in the plots and feel like I’m watching from the shadows. I find it really easy to picture the people and the scenes and there are days when I just can’t wait to get home to find out what the next thing is that is going to happen. I love chick lit, love, humour, crime, stories about spirits, angels and mediums, and I love to read self help type books too. That probably covers most genres really! I just wish I had more time to read. I’d be quite happy to go to bed really early every night to read, but think that makes me a very unsociable member of the family!
I've read so many fabulous books over the years and they just keep on coming. There are many amazing authors out there, and I’m discovering new ones every day, and that makes it very difficult to say who my favourites are. One of the most memorable ones for me, is Lets Meet on Platform 8 by Carole Matthews, a fabulous and emotional read. She is still one of my most favourite authors and I am totally honoured and privileged that I am now a reviewer of her books. I have to admit to being a bit star struck when I speak to her on Twitter or by email! And to think that my little old blog and hobby could possibly help them to sell more books is quite astounding.
When I was young, I always imagined myself having my own book publishing company where I got to read books all day long! Fantastic. I'm now 43 years old (ssshhhh don't tell anyone that please) and never got my dream. However, last year I had a “moment” when I decided that it was about time I did something I really enjoyed doing.
After reading a book called Spring Affair by the wonderful Milly Johnson, I wrote to Milly to tell her how fabulous, motivating and inspirational I found it. It was all about clutter clearing and made me immediately go and clear out my cupboards then look at different aspects of my life. Milly wrote back to me the same day to thank me for my comments and I kept in touch with her a few times. I suppose that was the instigating moment that made me decide to do this blog and when I suggested my idea to her she told me to go for it. I owe a lot to Milly – a lovely lady and a fabulous author.
One of the first people to ask me to review their book was you Pauline and your book Sometimes It Happens was such an enjoyable read, I felt like I could feel the sunshine beating down on my body, and living in the fabulous complex with the rich and famous. My review can be found here http://kimthebookworm.blogspot.com/2011/06/review-sometimes-it-happens-by-pauline.html
I do believe that I was born to have a life like that which was probably why I could relate to it so much. Maybe one day!
I am Mom to 4 year old Oliver, who keeps me busy and is the love of my life! I work for a PR and editorial agency in Cannock, Staffs called Passionate Media (www.passionatemedia.co.uk). I absolutely love working with the people there, such a genuine and lovely group of people and I am a reviewer and contributor to our family travel website http://www.havealovelytime.com/
which is really enjoyable. We also specialise in helping people with their social media profiles so I get to Facebook and tweet to my heart’s content.
I hope that my wonderful Mom is looking down on me from heaven and is proud of the fact that I've created this blog all about books and that she's happy that I'm able to spend a little of my time doing something that I thoroughly enjoy. I just wish that I could share all these wonderful books with her.
Thanks so much for having me over Pauline and have me whitter on about my hobby. I’ve had a lovely time but I think I’ve talked enough now and I’m probably ready for another glass of bubbly x x"
Thanks for sitting around my pool, enjoy the rest of the bubbly, *hands over a full bottle! *
You can read all of Kim's reviews on her Blog http://kimthebookworm.blogspot.com
Or chat with her on Twitter: @KimTheBookworm
I simply LOVE Kim's reviews, she is FAB! What a great post, enjoyed reading it:) Have a fab weekend guys xx
I also loved this post! I too enjoy getting lost in a book, in its magic, in its world! The whole experience hearkens back to when I'd curl up on a rainy day as a child, next to a dark, gloomy window, and read about fairy tales of other lands. Gosh, I miss being a kid! But--I can still recapture that experience reading a good book! :)
Awesome post! :D
Hi Ananda, thanks for stopping by and glad you enjoyed reading abour my lovely guest. Have a fabby weekend. x
Hello Jack, whow I was there with you on your memeory of curling up and reading a book. I love reading and also get lost in my writing too. Have a great weekend and thanks for popping along.
That was such a lovely post, Kim - your love of reading sparkles through your words!
Hello Rosemary, you can feel Kim's passion for reading!
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