Sunday, 19 February 2012

Doreen Wilkinson to get Elocution Lessons, Cor Blimey!

After some reviews about the main character, Doreen Wilkinson being a little difficult to understand, Sometimes It Happens... is being re-edited to soften her accent.

Re-publishing on Kindle is planned before the end of the month. When asked about having these lessons, Doreen said. "I fink it's sad, but if yer can't understan' wot I'm sayin' then yer missin' all about me lottery win an' also wot really happene'!" Giggling added, "Sorry, I meant to say, I think it's sad, but if you can't understand what I'm saying then you're missing all about my lottery win and also what really happened. I hope when my mate Pauline republishes my amazing story in Sometimes It Happens..., because it really did, you'll still read all about what a crazy time I had at Villas Bonitas and I promise to talk proper!"


Suzy Turner said...

Doreen... you're killing me!!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I loved Doreen and didn't have a problem understanding her. Hope the elocution lessons go well though.

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Suzy, fanks gal.... giggle!

Hi Debs, Fanks for that Debs, aint people odd at times? Never mind, I'll get some proper speaking and I might end up posh like them snooty people at Villas Bonitas!

Kittie Howard said...

Had no problem understanding -- loved every word!

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Kitty, thanks for stopping by, it is always a difficult one, but maybe a few little changes will make a difference. Though Doreen insists, she aint gonna stop giggling!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I like books with strong accents in them. It makes me wonder if Mark Twain would have said the same thing about Tom Sawyer if I had told him that I had difficulty with the way black people spoke. I think that he would not have gone back and corrected it. But I guess if sales is what you want then you should probably cater to those who are putting out the money.

Francine Howarth said...


There's no way Thomas Hardy would have re-written his regional dialects! I think Jane Austen would be shocked to find editors have interfered with her narrative in re-edited update issues of her famous novels. I have an original complete works and her narrative and dialogue throw one back to the era of the 1800s and makes it all the more real. The modern versions leave one wanting...

Saaf Londoners talk different than north Londoners, and down in Somerset they be right ornery bout folks pick 'n on their local twang.


Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Michael, very much appreciate your comment and it is a dilema but sadly some people have been rude about the accent and has started to put people of from reading.

HI Francine, I do agree with you, I am a Yorkshire lass so know all about accents! I am almost tempted to have two versions on Kindle, the reader can choose. A difficult one!

Unknown said...

Doreen to have elocution lessons? Whatever next? I understood everything word she said and loved her!

Pauline Barclay said...

Hi Shirley, thanks, it seems our overseas readers are struggling a tad! Byut she's still our Dor!