Thursday, 25 April 2013

And It's Still Only Thursday!

On the writing front it has been quite a week. Feet and ground have hardly met, it has been wonderful and it's still only Thursday!

Firstly, to my surprise and delight, Satchfield Hall reached #31 on in paid Kindle book, Sagas!

Today, I saw Storm Clouds Gathering creep back into the top 100 on in paid Kindle books (#72 in Relationships and #95 in Love & Romance)

The first review appeared on for Storm Clouds Gathering and it is a 5 star!

I have also had the great pleasure to appear on two top authors' web site.

Tim Vicary interviews me about mountain tops and storm clouds.

Mandy Baggot top selling YA author is showcasing my latest book, Storm Clouds Gathering.

As I said, it's still only Thursday! From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has downloaded my latest book, written a review and kindly invited me to their blogs and web sites and to you for taking the time to visit my blog.

Have a fabby day and I hope the sun is shinning for you.


Suzy Turner said...

You're doing so brilliantly Pauline! I hope you've had a few glasses of bubbly to celebrate! You really deserve all this success!
Love Suzy xxx

Deborah Carr said...

Wow, this is a very successful week for you. Here's to many, many more.x

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Suzy, why thank you so much, the bubbly is chilling ! xx

Pauline Barclay said...

Hi Debs, Thanks and I'll keep working at it and maybe appear somewhere else soon LOL! xx