Thursday, 9 May 2013

Two Great Blogs!

As well as writing emotional and passionate books that nearly always need a tissue, I also run two wonderful web sites.

Famous Five Plus for Indie authors. Famous Five Plus is about showcasing amazing Indie authors whilst working as a team to help and promote each other, sharing experiences and widening our audience as far as possible. Within the group, there are reviewers and readers. There is also the opportunity for non members to advertise their book covers and guest on the web site.

If you would like to more about Famous Five Plus, please pop along and take a peek!

My other new blog site, Strictly Sagas. Strictly Sagas is designed to be a one stop place to find great saga reads. If you are a saga author and would like to know more about Strictly Sagas, please email me at

There is also the opportunity for saga authors to advertise their book covers on the blog.

Take a peek and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Suzy Turner said...

And both blogs are totally AWESOME!!