Monday, 9 September 2013

It Comes in Threes!

This last week has been a week that any author would have been pleased with and like most things, it came in threes!

Firstly, I went off to Book Promo as usual and as I wandered around the sun beds, stopping to chat with peeps, soaking up our hot and sunny rays, I asked one lady what she was reading on her Kindle? She looked up at me and simply said, “Satchfield Hall.” Believe you me you could have knocked me over with a feather!

Secondly, I spied on a beautiful 5 star review for Storm Clouds Gathering.

And thirdly, I saw an open copy of Magnolia House on a towelled sun bed – Ahem! No it was not my sun bed!

I know I say this often, but sometimes it happens!

I hope you had a fabby week and that the sun shone, if not from the sky, but in your heart. Thanks for stopping by and letting me share my snippets with you. See you soon.


Suzy Turner said...

And it's very well deserved, Pauline!! YAY you :D xx

Pauline Barclay said...

Aww thanks Suzy, you are so kind xx