Friday, 30 August 2013

Sometimes It Happens!

It’s been an incredibly busy week in more ways than one! Home life and commitments take up time, but need to be done. On the writing front, I’ve successfully gone forwards and backwards in equal measures as I have deleted as many words as I have written!  And though I feel a tad daunted at ever getting to the end of this story the characters are keen for me to tell you all about them. So I will persevere!

My other baby, Famous Five Plus has been busy too with two new members joining the Group and another lovely author asking to join. It all makes FFP dynamic and exciting and adding more sparkle to the Group.

Twitter this week not only made me smile, but made my day. Last weekend a reader tweeted that she had bought Sometimes It Happens… and Storm Clouds Gathering in paperback. By the beginning of the week, she was tweeting as to where she was in her read of Sometimes It Happens... and how many pages she had left to read. By Tuesday this is what she wrote…..

It makes all the deleting of words and the worrying worthwhile. Thank you lovely reader!

As always, thanks for stopping by, have a fabby weekend and enjoy the sunshine because I am sending hot rays to you NOW! Shades on!


Suzy Turner said...

It sounds like you had a fabby week Pauline and then I noticed you topped it off with a glass or two of Rioja last night!! Hugs xxx

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Suzy, as always, thanks for stopping by... raising my glass, cheers! xx