Monday, 23 September 2013

Was It Just A Week!

How much can you pack into a week? Well an amazing amount when you want to!

Last week we flew back to the UK to visit family and friends. The Tuesday before we left, Jerry and Sarah invited me to chat on their live outside radio broadcast for Power FM at Slattery’s Bar in Puerto del Carmen, this was great, but as I had thought I would be there for around twenty minutes, I was surprised to be invited to stay much longer. As the programme came to an end, I chatted with a couple who were listening to the broadcast. They said they were not readers, but I gave them one of my leaflets just in case! Knowing I had a zillion things to do before we flew out on Thursday morning, I hurried off back home.

Later that afternoon I was over at Club Calypso for my weekly book promotion when the couple I had seen hours earlier walked in. Lynn and Barry Clayton had walked 3kms to buy a signed copy of Sometimes It Happens… . “You’ve inspired me to read and I’d love a copy of one of your books. I knew you were coming here, so we decided to come and see you,” Lynn said. You have no idea how honoured I felt as I signed the book for Lynn. I am still smiling at what happened, because you never imagine it would. Barry and Lynn certainly made my day!

Wednesday went by in a whirl as we took our little doggies to our friend for their holidays. Looking back on the week, I think I missed them more than they missed me. Though having said this, they have not let either of us out of their sight since our return!

Thursday morning we flew to Stanstead in the UK. After landing a two hour car journey had us in Lowestoft. For those who haven’t heard of Lowestoft, it is the most easterly town in Great Britain. As we expected, the weather was predictable, cold and damp, but seeing family and friends meant the sun shone throughout our week. We had a great time, but like all wonderful times, they do come to an end.  I’m not sure what you are like, but I hate goodbyes, so needless to say, lots of tears and swallowing down lumps that threatened to choke as we all promised to see each other again soon.

Back home, yes our little pebble in the ocean is home, life is back to its hectic pace, but not without a few surprises especially when it comes to my books. Firstly, I saw a wonderful review from Madalyn Morgan for Sometimes It Happens…   Swiftly followed by a top review from Carol E Wyer for Satchfield Hall and if that was not enough, as I slid into the
driver’s seat in my car when we were in Tias, Geoff from Macey’s – English supermarket – dashed across the road towards us, “Sue said I have to tell you she is loving Magnolia House.” The surprise for the latter was breath taking as I had no idea Sue knew about my books let alone reading one!

Thank you Jerry and Sarah, Lynn and Barry, Carol and Madalyn and thank you Sue and Geoff, you have no idea how honoured I feel.

Now it’s back to getting on with book 5 and catching up with everything else. As always thank you for stopping by, have a fab day and I hope the sun is shinning on you.


Suzy Turner said...

What a fabulous week you had, Pauline! I can imagine you're on cloud nine right about now!
And you so deserve it :)

Rosemary Gemmell said...

It's great to hear of your encouragement, Pauline, and I'm glad you had a good time back in the UK!

Pauline Barclay said...

Suzy thanks so much for stopping by. I'm back down to earth with a bump! x

Pauline Barclay said...

Hi Rosemary, thank you, it was lovely seeing everyone, a ad sad to leave then. xx

Anonymous said...

Some very positive news for you, Pauline, and very well deserved.

Glad you enjoyed your time in the UK but do wish you'd left us the hot weather!

CJ x