With over a 190 direct hits on his short story, A Journey into the Amazon,
Leighton returns with another wonderful, imaginative story, A Fun Day at
the Beach. So grab your bucket and spade and settle down on the sand and
join Leighton and his brother in their latest adventure…
A Fun Day at the Beach
By Leighton age 9
"Are we nearly there yet," I shouted excitedly, it felt like we had
been in the car for ages. It’s always me that has to sit next to my little sister.
Roo is 3 and she always falls asleep in the car, but always has to hold my hand
and she snores very loudly.
"Five more minutes," Daddy said looking in the rear view mirror at us. As Daddy answered me, my mummy woke up. My Mummy is
like Roo and always falls asleep in the car too. At last, we made it to the big
carpark and we saw the sea, I was getting excited.
"Everyone out," Daddy shouted as we all jumped out of the car. I
was extra prepared this morning and already had my black and red swimming
shorts on. We walked onto the beach and our first job was to find a good spot.
We like to go next to the lifeguard station as it is a big cabin and is easy to
see, which means we can always find our way back to Mummy and Daddy when we go
off to play.
When we have the perfect spot we get all our things out ready for a day at
the beach. We have food, bodyboards, buckets and spades. Mummy and Daddy tell
us the rules about the beach and how to stay safe and then we go off and start
our adventure.
Teddy and I pick up our bodyboards and run towards the sea, this is the
start of our adventure. Body boarding is so much fun, but the sea is rough
today. We bob up and down in the water splashing each other and playing. When I
look up I can’t see Mummy or Daddy anymore and the lifeguard cabin seems so far
away. "Teddy we are going to get lost,” I shout." Let’s swim to shore
and start heading back." Teddy shouted back, “Ok.” So we kicked and splashed
and headed back to the beach. When we got to the beach we heard a strange
noise. Right in front of us was a pirate digging in the sand. We knew he was a pirate because he had long curly hair and
a big gold earring in his ear. I had seen a picture of a pirate, like this one,
in a book I had read. "What are you doing?" I asked the pirate. He
looked up and saw us watching him "Ahoy boy,’ he chuckled, “I’m just
digging here, " he replied "Digging for what?" Teddy asked him.
The pirate looked around and whispered, "For treasure, what else?" I started to get excited, a real life
pirate digging for treasure "Can we help ?" I asked quickly. The
pirate threw us a couple of spades and we started to dig too.

It felt like we were digging forever when suddenly my spade hit something
hard. The pirate and Teddy came rushing over. “What have
we here then?” the pirate asked bending down and looking at where my spade was.
Together we pulled a big chest out of the sand and tugged
it open. Inside the chest was a bright red football. The pirate lifted it
out of the chest and then threw it down on the sand and began to cry. The
pirate was not happy with a ball for treasure. “Best you take it,” he moaned
and gave us the ball.
“Time for me to go,” the pirate said and he walked away. Teddy and I waved him off and watched as he
climbed aboard his ship with big sails. Holding the ball, we watched the pirate's ship sail away. My tummy started rumbling so we thought it was time to head
back to Mummy and Daddy.
Teddy and I ran across the sand heading towards the lifeguard cabin and
soon enough we saw Mummy, Daddy and Roo. "Is it lunchtime yet," we
both cried. “Come and sit down,” Daddy said as Mummy placed containers down
with lots of sandwiches in. I could see my favourite ones too, sausages. We
quickly ate our lunch, Teddy and I were starving. Lunch over, we had time to play with our new
red ball. We spent all afternoon playing and soon enough it was time to go home.
We all got back into the car and again Mummy and Roo fell asleep for the whole
I had such a great day at the beach and who would have believed we met a
The End.
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