Tuesday 11 January 2022

Promoting Excellence for Historical Authors


The Richard Tearle Discovering Diamonds Award

To promote excellence in historical writing, Discovering Diamonds has introduced a cash prize for author of the year. Helen Hollick founder of Discovering Diamonds explains the importance of recognizing quality books.

Discovering Diamonds opened as a review site for indie and self-published authors on January 1st 2017. Since then we have posted many reviews of historical novels that have reached a good standard of quality and are, from a reader’s perspective,  ‘value for money’.

Interspersed with our review posts we have highlighted various authors via our annual December StorySong short story entertainment, offered guest posts, made Book and Cover of the Month selections, reviewed some mainstream traditionally published historical novels and works of historical non-fiction, but our main aim is to promote Indie/Self-Published writers and small independent presses of quality historical fiction. We maintain that ‘a good book is a good book’ no matter who publishes it, or how - but as many indie writers know, ‘getting noticed’ can be an ongoing, uphill, often disheartening struggle.

Therefore, in order to help, albeit in a small way, Discovering Diamonds is to run an award through the kind generosity of a sponsor who has offered a first prize of £150 for two years (2022 Award/2023 Award). There will be a runner-up prize of £50.

It is to be called The Richard Tearle Discovering Diamonds Award in remembrance of Richard who passed away in April 2021. He began as a reviewer for the Historical Novel Society Indie Reviews in 2011/12, when I was Managing Editor, then came over to Discovering Diamonds when it was conceived in November 2016. He personally encouraged many new writers, supported established authors and, as a rough tally, reviewed not far off 700 novels, so to name our award in his honour is most fitting.

You’ll find our TERMS & CONDITIONS here

But the basic ‘rules’ are ... you submit a book to us for potential review and we select the best of the best of those we do review for initial longlisting for the award.


We have a selection of experienced writer/reader or editorial judges for the three stages (longlist, shortlist, finalist) including the acclaimed international bestseller Elizabeth Chadwick as a finalist judge.

There is no entry fee – all we want at submission stage is a professionally produced file of your published (or soon to be published) historical novel – preferably a Mobi file though please


Submission details for reviews are here:


So what have you got to lose?

buying link for Richard's book



Helen Hollick

Founder Discovering Diamonds

HELEN HOLLICK is an international Indie and Traditional Mainstream author. As a firm supporter of indie writers since 2007, she founded Discovering Diamonds at the close of 2016. Published originally by William Heinemann in 1994 and now with Sourcebooks, Penmore Press, Sadwolf Verlag, and two non-fiction titles with Amberley Press and Pen & Sword, she also publishes under her own Taw River Press. 

USA Today Bestseller, she writes 'King Arthur', the 1066 era, the Sea Witch nautical adventure pirate-based series and the Jan Christopher cosy mysteries set in the 1970s. She is friends with several well-known authors, enjoys talking on conference panels, has been a consultant for and guest on BBC Radio 4, made several 'appearances' on local radio stations, has appeared on TV on several occasions and was joint script-writer for a proposed movie.

She lives with her family, various animals and a few ghosts, in an 18th century North Devon farmhouse, runs several blogs - and occasionally gets time to write...




Helen Hollick said...

thank you Pauline, for promoting our award and for your wonderful ongoing support for Indie writers!

Pauline Barclay said...

You are welcome, Helen and it is always a pleasure having you here. I am sure the award will encourage authors of well written historical publications to submit.