"Hello and thank you Pauline for inviting me to be a guest on your lovely blog. My name is Nikki Bywater and for the past decade I have mainly been a housewife, but I have also worked as a support artist and jobbing actress. I prefer only to do small roles so that I can spend time with my family. I am also the daughter of a well known medium. I am not a medium myself but would call myself more of a paranormal investigator and through this I research mediums. I have also been on the radio chatting about my paranormal work and what it is like to grow up with a parent who is a medium. As well as my rather different background I am an avid reader.
As far back as I can remember I have enjoyed reading. I had a Great aunt who every Christmas and birthday would buy me a couple of Enid Blyton books. It was stories like The Faraway Tree that got me hooked on books. As I got older I was still reading Enid Blyton and went on to her Malory Towers series. It was the way these books really got your imagination working and you could picture all the magical adventures in your head.
Now as an adult I read lots and lots of different kinds of books from biographies, to Chick Lit, Crime and the paranormal and much, much more! I think we can learn something new from every book that we read. I always go by the old saying never judge a book by the cover. If ever I have any spare time to myself you will find me with my head in a book. I still love the escapism a book brings and if I have had a stressful day I find reading a couple of chapters from my latest novel really relaxes me. My house is full of books.
It was because of my love of reading and my books that I first heard about loveahappyending.com through our good friend here Pauline. I had come to chat with Pauline about my love of reading after I had read Pauline’s wonderful book Magnolia House. It was then that Pauline told me all about the love a happy ending site I was interested straight away and I thought it was a fantastic idea, because it involves people like me, readers. I am now an Associate Reader and through this I am learning lots about different authors and their new books. It is like a behind the scenes look at how the books have been written and you can interact with the authors. I like also that you can get more out of the book that you have just read because you get an opportunity to talk and learn more from the author. I also love the review part. As a reader, it makes a real difference to be able to interact with authors and other like minded people.
Being involved with loveahappyending.com for me as made me see just how much I love books and reading. I very much hope in the future to work with books. In fact my dream would be to have my own book shop and spend my day surrounded by books! But for now I have started my own blog all about the books I have read and reviewed. I have added links to the authors I have read and reviewed so that my visitors can read and learn all about these writers. To make my blog more interesting I have tried to include different genres so that there is something for everyone.
I hope you will stop by and see what my book shelves look like, but for now, I'm away to read a great book from one of the authors from loveahappyending.com. My review will appear on my blog shortly, so don't forget to stop by. Until we meet soon."
I recently did an interview, The Paranormal and Me over at loveahappyending.com
You can also find me at
• My Facebook Paranormal Page
• My Facebook Page
• My Twitter page
• My Blog
Well I knew Nikki was interesting but now I realise she's absolutely fascinating.
Nikki, if you ever want to do an investigation at Chillingham Castle, I'd happily come with you. I live about 20 minutes drive from it and did an investigation there myself a few years ago.
Fabulous post.
CJ xx
hello CJ, Nikki is amazing and I am sure we will hear more from her in the future. Thank you for your lovely words too. x
Hey Nikki - there are lots of spooky castles here in Scotland - I'd love to show them - but at the first sign of anything paranormal I'll likely sprint back to the car and hide. Great interview btw!
Thanks I might just take you up on your offers of visiting these places. They sound really interesting! x
Great post! Oh how I wish I poolside with you two! It's smoldering here in sunny FL - but that's what air conditioning is for, right? Thanks for sharing and tell Nikki I said hello! ~Janet Beasley~
Very interesting to learn how others do it. A great post!
Hi Jance, I'd be running too.. laugh.
Hello Janet, it's hot, but we don't have air co! But the pool helps!
Hello Wendy, thank you and I've been over, clicked and commented...fab! xx
Fascinating post. I was an avid Enid Blyton fan as a kid too and I must say I love the idea of being a paranormal investigator.
So you'd like to have your own bookshop.... now why doesn't that surprise me! Lovely blog Pauline, featuring some lovely ladies..... fun in the sun!
Hello Ros, I too loved Enid Blyton and isn't Nikki's background fascinating?
Hi Linn, thanks for calling by. Have a fab day!
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