Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Going Wild on Wednesday

Photo and poster by Pauline Barclay

Going Wild on Wednesday!  Stephen Taylor shares more of his amazing photographs (all photos have copy rights to Stephen).

What a fabulous collection of photos and Stephen will be back again next Wednesday for more, Going Wild!

If you missed last week's collection from Stephen click here

As always, thank you for calling by PBHQ. I'd better get on with writing book 2 in my Gardner and Chattaway cosy mystery series and popping out to snap a few more pics to share on Instagram. Until next time, I hope the sun is shining on your face and in your heart.

Pauline x


Suzy, The Grey Brunette said...

I particularly love the squirrel photo! I love squirrels...they're so cute!
Suzy xx

Pauline Barclay said...

Hello Suzy, I do too. As you say they are sooo cute Hugs xxx